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Almost No Memory
Lydia Davis
Selected Poems
Philippe Jaccottet
The Tiger's Wife
Téa Obreht
Charles Dickens (Penguin Lives)
Jane Smiley
The Mansion of Happiness
Robin Ekiss
Erik Satie
The Unconsoled - Kazuo Ishiguro I love Ishiguro, and I loved all the critical literature about this book. I also loved the themes of memory and regret, forgiveness, forgetting and sorrow, mistakes and woundedness. Near the end of the book, Mrs. Hoffmann’s monologue about how she has dreams of “incredible tenderness” shortly before waking up, and determines to set about life differently, only to be thwarted daily by some “force” could have been channeled from my diary. The last 150 pages of this book improve and manage to re-engage the reader but for the most part the story is a frustrating slog as the protagonist is led about by the nose. There is an emotional reward, but I’d recommend the book only to true Ishiguro fans.