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Almost No Memory
Lydia Davis
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The Tiger's Wife
Téa Obreht
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The Mansion of Happiness
Robin Ekiss
Erik Satie
Ark Baby - Liz Jensen The plot of this book pits creationism against evolution, and revolves around Tobias Phelps, an odd-looking boy unsure of his parentage, who is adopted by a parson and his wife in a town called Thunder Spit. A parallel plot unfolds in London around the same time -1845- involving a taxidermist, his daughter Violet and the family chef. One other intertwined story centered on a rather sleazy veterinarian is set in Thunder Spit in 2005, a time when England is beset by female infertility. There are a number of other key characters, and it took me some 60 pages to sort out who was who, where was where, and what was what.

Liz Jensen is a good writer and Ark Baby is told in a very amusing and colorful way, with five or six true laugh-out-loud moments. My favorite character is the taxidermist's wife, nicknamed "Laudanum Empress," who can see the future.

"There will be two world wars," murmurs the Laudanum Empress, yawning over her untouched cup and saucer. It is the heyday of her psychic particles. "As a result, a million skulls will be strewn all over France." She pauses, squinting sideways. "But on the more positive side, there will be something known as long-life milk."
"There will be gambling machines called one-armed bandits," says the Laudanum Empress. "And artists will display their own excrement in galleries."

Although I enjoyed this book, it was also silly and on the whole not really worth the time. I read another of her novels this summer,
[b:The Ninth Life of Louis Drax|118812|The Ninth Life of Louis Drax|Liz Jensen|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1312063953s/118812.jpg|2233181], which I think was a better story.