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Almost No Memory
Lydia Davis
Selected Poems
Philippe Jaccottet
The Tiger's Wife
Téa Obreht
Charles Dickens (Penguin Lives)
Jane Smiley
The Mansion of Happiness
Robin Ekiss
Erik Satie
The Infinities (Borzoi Books) - John Banville The story is about a brilliant mathematician who has had a stroke, and lies in a upper room of his home - the Skyroom - expiring. His family gathers around, joined by the household help, the children's significant others, and a trio of Greek gods. They are a singular lot.

The most light-hearted of Banville's books I've read so far, not that it's a romp. As ever, Banville's strength is his shimmering prose. The story was also enjoyable, and all the more novel for the gods trying to influence the characters' lives and actions, mostly for the good.